February 16, 2021, I Jonas Rapp survived after a very serious stroke that hit me.
This is why I have “paused” the usual as blog, create new tools for you, and of course improving existing tools, like FetchXML Builder which is still used 4000 times every day in the whole world, and not “being the MVP” as I usually tried to do.

You will unfortunately have to accept the pause being for unknown time.
Any question should be asked to GitHub: https://github.com/rappen
Make sure you find the right repo, and find Issues or Discussions.
What I do
Instead of doing the “normal” things I do now, I do trainings/rehab to get back to “normal” me again…
What I do is creating videos to show you what happened to me from February until “now”. It’s in cold fact. I express my feelings, and worries for me and families and friends.
Do not miss this: Stroke // Jonas Rapp