FetchXML improve for us to achieve more

I got a challenge from my colleague at CRMK:

I need to set owners on accounts with a team with the same name as the account.

Mia @ CRMK

Is that even possible??
Yes, it actually is.

Simplest query

I start with a very simple query to get all Accounts:

  <entity name='account'>
    <attribute name='name' />
    <attribute name='ownerid' />

New supported link-entity feature

I need to join with Teams, not by a relationship like OwnerId, but by their only Name.

  <entity name='account'>
    <attribute name='name' />
    <attribute name='ownerid' />
    <link-entity name='team' from='name' to='name'>
      <attribute name='name' />
      <attribute name='teamid' />

Are those from and to attributes on the link-entity node supported?? Well, oh yes! Do read! No relationships

Unexpected new filtering feature

Also, I don’t want to return accounts that already have the correct owner, so I add a filter by a really new cool feature…

  <entity name='account'>
    <attribute name='name' />
    <attribute name='ownerid' />
      <condition attribute='ownerid' operator='ne' valueof='T.teamid' />
    <link-entity name='team' from='name' to='name' alias='T'>
      <attribute name='name' />
      <attribute name='teamid' />

I thought I just found this unsupported feature when I was testing/trying a few months ago… But in the newly released documentation, it just is there! Read about this doc too: Cross table comparisons

Bulk Data Updater

How to set those owners? Use a tool… 🤓
Bulk Data Updater for XrmToolBox.

User the query above and set this attribute (column) to be updated:

The key is to Calculate, and find the id with team:{T.teamid}.

It’s not a big thing, but it’s a huge solution for the requirement. Mia IS happy now!

FetchXML Builder

You should know, though – you can create those things that are not yet supported in FetchXML Builder by using the Fetch XML View:

Joining with non-relationships can be done by un-clicking Show only Lookups/IDs attributes in the link-entity node.

Soon supporting

This tool is trying to be on the edge and supports everything the platform can handle.

My free time is limited currently, but as you know, I promise this tool will improve even further by supporting these new features in Fetch XML!

Stay tuned…

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