Scary, dangerous, creepy tools 😱😬

…am I hacking your system?

There are a bunch of completely awesome and can’t-live-without tools. Most are created by the community, like me.

These tools can break your system. Completely.

“Are these tools even legal??”

Too often, I’ve heard CTOs and others say that these tools should be stopped! Either by thoroughly educating all users not to use them or simply by blocking these crazy tools on their computers.

Continue reading “Scary, dangerous, creepy tools 😱😬”

Microsoft Power Fx + XRM Tokens

Why mixing two very different but very similar features?
I hope you will see it, if you read on…

What’s a Token?

I don’t really know why… but it’s a word, a special word, representing other words… where the word is a data word, will be replaced with words from the actual data, as it is actually used. I think.

Continue reading “Microsoft Power Fx + XRM Tokens”

Know the Dataverse, Solution, and Publisher

Why are Solutions a new feature in FetchXML Builder?

Solutions have nothing to do when we’re working with queries, right?
So why is this the best feature I have released this last year, or longer?

I know, the subject seems like a crazy big blog…
…anyway, go on and see why you should know it!

Continue reading “Know the Dataverse, Solution, and Publisher”

Archaeology – Finding CRM SDK History


When I have just created a new feature in my tools – I get a few error reports. Every time.
Why is that? Mostly because users have an older version of Dataverse (or XRM/CRM).
This is why I add updates, fixing one problem after another. Finding them the hard way.

I tried a few times – no, many times – to look for the information I need:

Dataverse Metadata Properties History

Continue reading “Archaeology – Finding CRM SDK History”