Custom Translations – the Easy Way

In many customer projects and products, I have built solutions for managing translations in Microsoft Dynamics 365 / CDS / CRM.
Sure, the metadata can be translated to show labels etc in the language of the user, but having a custom solution for translations ensures localized content for texts that are shown to the user from code or automation.

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Git Submodules in Visual Studio

Ever since I started working with development, I have both created and consumed libraries, frameworks, utilities and snippets to simplify and streamline my code. The methods to include this code have varied a lot; from simply copy-pasting code to linked files to private NuGet servers with build automation, full CI/CD etc.

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Balancing Cool Tech, Usability and TCO

I’m a techie.
I like new, shiny,
cool stuff.

Newest however, usually
And customers usually like cheap.

Users don’t care about either.
They just want a system that
empowers more than it obstructs.

So how do you find the balance between the three? Is it even possible? Or is it just another
Project Management Triangle?

Continue reading “Balancing Cool Tech, Usability and TCO”

The Milliseconds Are Here!

Ever since I started using the Plugin Trace Log for investigation of my plugins around three years ago, I have wondered why we don’t have timestamps with better granularity than seconds.
As I expressed it in an article from 2017:

Given the CPU power we have today, it is just incomprehensible why we should not get more detail in the timing of plugin execution.
It is like defining my age by saying I was born sometime during the second half of the 20th century.

From A Canary in CRM
Continue reading “The Milliseconds Are Here!”