Setting Autonumber Seed in a Managed Solution in Power Platform

Some details in the Power Platform are intentionally excluded from the solutions. Still, most of us developers think they are part of them—unless we read enough about the docs (which is boooring).
One example is Seed for columns that have the type Autonumber.

As far as I know, the seed is not stored in our tables or columns; it is only known in the deep down of the SQL Server. So, how can it even be settable in the Maker Portal?

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Three Big improvements in UML Diagram Generator for Microsoft Dataverse

I send a HUGE thanks to three of my fantastic users for these three new great features!

Jim Novak at Microsoft got me a big pull request to support – not only just PlantUML – but also DBML.
Matt Ritchie at Wesley Mission gave me a tip about supporting packages what I call Groups.
@Warp999 suggested that we may let Themes decide the layout of our Dataverse model.
I only know her/his user at GitHub – please reveal you if you want to!

Continue reading “Three Big improvements in UML Diagram Generator for Microsoft Dataverse”

Scary, dangerous, creepy tools 😱😬

…am I hacking your system?

There are a bunch of completely awesome and can’t-live-without tools. Most are created by the community, like me.

These tools can break your system. Completely.

“Are these tools even legal??”

Too often, I’ve heard CTOs and others say that these tools should be stopped! Either by thoroughly educating all users not to use them or simply by blocking these crazy tools on their computers.

Continue reading “Scary, dangerous, creepy tools 😱😬”

Microsoft Power Fx + XRM Tokens

Why mixing two very different but very similar features?
I hope you will see it, if you read on…

What’s a Token?

I don’t really know why… but it’s a word, a special word, representing other words… where the word is a data word, will be replaced with words from the actual data, as it is actually used. I think.

Continue reading “Microsoft Power Fx + XRM Tokens”

Layouts in FetchXML Builder

This is a new feature. A brand new fancy feature. This tool is now going from two dimensions to three dimensions.

As always, we can work with the query and see the data. From now on – work also with the layouts to get nice designs.

How do we show the data in the Model Driven Apps? Keep on reading…

Don’t like to read? See my simple tutorial video instead!

Continue reading “Layouts in FetchXML Builder”