Dynamics CRM Tools: Tanguy, our hero

Generally I don’t blog about blogs, but now I am obliged to make an exception from that principle to write this shout-out to one of our everyday heroes down in the CRM trenches.

xrmtoolbox1For years now, Tanguy at Javista has been contributing to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM community with his developer tools. These tools truly make our lives as CRM developers easier by drastically reducing the amount of tedious manual work we would otherwise have to perform to make the solutions we deliver a Little Smoother, a Little Better than those of our competitors. And these tools just keep getting better and better. Visit his blog: Dynamics CRM Tools Download XrmToolBox. It might as well be called XrmCandyBox.
This little box is filled with goodies like a never failing Sitemap-editor, View Layout-replicator, Easy Translator, Attribute Bulk Updater, etc. His latest addition Trace Reader makes advanced debugging so much easier than when you were stuck with a 13MB trace file and only Notepad to assist you. If, one day, a usable Ribbon Editor should be released – the candy box would be complete! 😉

3 thoughts on “Dynamics CRM Tools: Tanguy, our hero

  1. Thank you John, that is a very competent tool 🙂
    I use it now and then, but still I trust in Tanguy to create an awesome one that fits into his toolbox 😉

  2. I'll second the man crush on Tanguy and the XrmToolBox. I'll also suggest you check out the EarlyBoundGenerator Plugin: https://xrmearlyboundgenerator.codeplex.com/ It makes generating early bound code much simpler, with a UI and with advanced options, while still being command line driven if needed to be for build stipulations.

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