It is crazy!
I have now released
a new version of my tool.
Bulk Data Updater (and Assign, SetState and Delete of course) got the improved:

Update one, many, or all record or Choices column with one or many choices, or touch the existing data, or remove the datas.
Remember that Choices means “an option where you can select many options to one record”.
Set State

If you have an “old” Dynamics version, check the “Try the old SetState“, if it would work 🙂

The new feature to Calculation the value is now only available to text column, and therefore disable for other column type.

The Documentation is easily going to, but click the link.

The mine (and alls!) Rappen.XTB.Helper has a LOT of controls and other helps to code with CRM/XRM/CDS/Dataverse.
The Helper project is included as a “shared”, making the code does not require adding a dll file for it.
There is a lot of documentation here, and try the Rappen.XTB.Helper.Tester to see how it works!
A number of minor fixes for bugs and som smaller improved were make.
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