Setting Autonumber Seed in a Managed Solution in Power Platform

Some details in the Power Platform are intentionally excluded from the solutions. Still, most of us developers think they are part of themβ€”unless we read enough about the docs (which is boooring).
One example is Seed for columns that have the type Autonumber.

As far as I know, the seed is not stored in our tables or columns; it is only known in the deep down of the mystery SQL Server. So, how can it even be settable in the Maker Portal?

Continue reading “Setting Autonumber Seed in a Managed Solution in Power Platform”

Archaeology – Finding CRM SDK History


When I have just created a new feature in my tools – I get a few error reports. Every time.
Why is that? Mostly because users have an older version of Dataverse (or XRM/CRM).
This is why I add updates, fixing one problem after another. Finding them the hard way.

I tried a few times – no, many times – to look for the information I need:

Dataverse Metadata Properties History

Continue reading “Archaeology – Finding CRM SDK History”