Themes in Power Apps maker portal

Vote now 👉 Make respect environment theme

When Microsoft introduced Themes in Microsoft Dynamics 365, they moved away from the old Ford approach:

Any customer can have a CRM painted
any color that he wants,
so long as it is black.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM branding department before themes

It was now possible to specify custom color schemes and even your own logo.

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Custom Translations – the Easy Way

In many customer projects and products, I have built solutions for managing translations in Microsoft Dynamics 365 / CDS / CRM.
Sure, the metadata can be translated to show labels etc in the language of the user, but having a custom solution for translations ensures localized content for texts that are shown to the user from code or automation.

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Git Submodules in Visual Studio

Ever since I started working with development, I have both created and consumed libraries, frameworks, utilities and snippets to simplify and streamline my code. The methods to include this code have varied a lot; from simply copy-pasting code to linked files to private NuGet servers with build automation, full CI/CD etc.

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Conditional Unique Auto Number Sequences in Microsoft Dynamics 365 / CRM

Conditional unique auto number series

A common request for Auto Numbers in Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CDS/CRM) is to have one number field with different formats and unique sequences based on data on the record or it’s parents.
I call this “Conditional Unique Auto Number Sequences”.

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