Setting Autonumber Seed in a Managed Solution in Power Platform

Some details in the Power Platform are intentionally excluded from the solutions. Still, most of us developers think they are part of them—unless we read enough about the docs (which is boooring).
One example is Seed for columns that have the type Autonumber.

As far as I know, the seed is not stored in our tables or columns; it is only known in the deep down of the mystery SQL Server. So, how can it even be settable in the Maker Portal?

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ALM a la Rapp – Evolve Power Platform delivery

What is ALM?

As always, it’s an acronym. ALM means Application Lifecycle Management and many texts about ALM are available; white papers, articles, blogs, how-tos… But in my subjective it means:

Keep track of everything we need.
Don’t track things we can generate.
Generate everything automagically.

/Mr. Rapp
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Themes in Power Apps maker portal

Vote now 👉 Make respect environment theme

When Microsoft introduced Themes in Microsoft Dynamics 365, they moved away from the old Ford approach:

Any customer can have a CRM painted
any color that he wants,
so long as it is black.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM branding department before themes

It was now possible to specify custom color schemes and even your own logo.

Continue reading “Themes in Power Apps maker portal”