Microsoft Power Fx + XRM Tokens

Why mixing two very different but very similar features?
I hope you will see it, if you read on…

What’s a Token?

I don’t really know why… but it’s a word, a special word, representing other words… where the word is a data word, will be replaced with words from the actual data, as it is actually used. I think.

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Layouts in FetchXML Builder

This is a new feature. A brand new fancy feature. This tool is now going from two dimensions to three dimensions.

As always, we can work with the query and see the data. From now on – work also with the layouts to get nice designs.

How do we show the data in the Model Driven Apps? Keep on reading…

Don’t like to read? See my simple tutorial video instead!

Continue reading “Layouts in FetchXML Builder”

Know the Dataverse, Solution, and Publisher

Why are Solutions a new feature in FetchXML Builder?

Solutions have nothing to do when we’re working with queries, right?
So why is this the best feature I have released this last year, or longer?

I know, the subject seems like a crazy big blog…
…anyway, go on and see why you should know it!

Continue reading “Know the Dataverse, Solution, and Publisher”

FXB & FXE are 7 years old πŸ‘¨β€β€οΈβ€πŸ’‹β€πŸ‘¨

I just read a LinkedIn post from Jordi MontaΓ±a VΓ‘zquez about his excellence test tools FakeXrmEasy. On 23 November the tool was 7 years anniversary! πŸ₯³

Hey, something from “FXE” remines me about “FXB“, and didn’t I release FetchXML Builder about some time 2014, and probably roughly just 7 years ago?

Continue reading “FXB & FXE are 7 years old πŸ‘¨β€β€οΈβ€πŸ’‹β€πŸ‘¨”